Sunday, April 19, 2020

Reflection Time

As I wrap this project up last minute, I can't help but feel absolute relief. I had a story from the beginning that I wanted to show. A message I looked so hard to portray. The film is not exactly what I wanted, some components of the shots did not come out how I wanted them, however given this quarantine I feel incredibly proud of the message that I have conveyed.
Looking at the film at the end, I feel that I skimmed on the line of a montage, which is something I did not want to do, the more that I reviewed my film, I saw that it worked out for me, the story is there and it shows what I wanted to show. I got to play around with independent filming, and acting at the same time. Something I was so afraid of doing.
This process has definitely been eye opening, and I as I charge on to adult hood, this class has been my gateway to a new path. It was through this film that I was finally able to decide that this is what I want to do, I want to learn and get better at this. With this film I came upon the choice to attend the University of Copenhagen in Denmark to study Film and Media Studies in 2021.
It might not be the best. It definitely is not exactly what I wanted. It's the beginning of my story. The first piece fully done by me, my first step into what seems prominently my life.
I thank Cambridge and Tina for this opportunity. I truly hope you enjoy my film, take it as you will.

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